



Informatics systems in NHS Wales: Statement from the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee


The Chair of the National Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee, Nick Ramsay AM, has issued the following statement in response to the report, ‘Informatics systems in NHS Wales’, from the Wales Audit Office.


Mr Ramsay said:


“This report from the Auditor General paints a mixed picture on progress in rolling out the informatics systems that a modern NHS needs.


“It is good that the NHS is putting in place many of the building blocks of an electronic patient record. However, it is clear that the NHS needs to do better in the way it prioritises and supports the development of new systems, including through effective leadership and improved governance arrangements.


“The Public Accounts Committee has already taken an interest in informatics as part of its work on medicines management and hospital catering and will consider the wider issues raised by the Auditor General’s report shortly.”


Notes to editors


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The full report, ‘Informatics systems in NHS Wales’, is available from the Wales Audit Office.




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